Rogue RP-7 vs MicroZotl. Reference

Need a pre to go with a pair of Odyssey Kismet Reference Monos that Klaus just upgraded.  I currently use a Cary DMS 600 streamer/dac and it really sounds good but usually it’s played at -30 to -20 so probably losing a little resolution ( 3 volts out so the scale goes to +8)
I am integrating a swarm sub system w/2 mono block Dayton 1,000 watt  amps. So need something with at least two unbalanced outs. I had a MicroZotl2.0S but it was a little noisy and too much gain and could never get the volume quite right in my previous room  Also had a MODWRIGHT anniversary pre and Odyssey candela prior.  Tubes are not a must but kinda like them paired with SS amps.  Speakers are Persona 5 ‘s which can be on the brighter side of neutral if not paired well   Budget is 3k   Previously owned is fine. Thanks for the input, I know there is a lot out there. Trying to get something that is current model so can sell at a reasonable loss if it doesn’t work out. 
Don’t overlook the Micro ZOTL just because it hasn’t been around that long. It is the most incredible preamp and in my opinion nothing can touch it in its price range.
Yes as I mentioned I had a MicroZotl 2.0S. I am sure  the MicroZOTL sounds a bit better and quieter. Choices.......
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     Yes, you do have a lot of tube preamp choices. I currently use a ss preamp in my system but I previously used a VTL 2.5 tube preamp, with NOS (new old stock) Mullard tubes swapped in for the 4 stock Russian or Chinese tubes, for a few decades with various ss class AB and class D power amps. This provided the 3 dimensionality, warmth and euphony that, during that time, I believed only tubes in the audio chain could provide.
     The VTL 2.5 is a good option if you want to utilize tubes since you can tailor the sound you prefer through tube rolling, it has HT/passthru if that's needed and it has an extra set of l+r unbalanced outputs to accommodate subs and your Swarm. 
     I now believe the qualities of 3 dimensionality, warmth and euphony mainly exist, or not, in the music itself.  The main factors that enable them to be perceived in a home system begins with the use of high quality recordings, continues with the signals being conveyed through very low distortion,low noise,highly detailed and accurate components and cabling. 
     The Benchmark LA4 is another good option for a ss design if you want to try out the low distortion/low noise, highly detailed and accurate approach while avoiding the complications of tubes altogether.     
     The final segment in preserving the fidelity in our systems are the speakers we choose.  Unless one employs highly accurate studio monitors, few other speakers will be as neutral and accurate and this is generally the area where compromises in overall system accuracy, neutrality and fidelity usually occurs.  I don't currently have a good solution for this compromise and typically recommend individuals just choose speakers they really enjoy listening to over extended time periods.
     Personally, I've found it difficult to maintain the strict discipline and commitment required to assemble a low distortion/low noise, highly detailed and accurate system from top to bottom.  I tend to include components and speakers that have a bit of flavor that I really enjoy (currently ML preamp and Magnepan speakers) that stray a touch from absolute fidelity and neutrality. 
     Perhaps you possess more discipline and commitment to a specific approach than I apparently do.
