Does the first reflection point actually matter??

Hello my friends,

So please read the whole post before commenting. The question is nuanced.

First, as you probably know I’m a huge fan of the well treated room, and a fan boy of GIK acoustics as a result, so what I am _not_ arguing is against proper room treatment. I remember many years ago, perhaps in Audio magazine (dating myself?) the concept of treating the first reflection points came up, and it seems really logical, and quickly adopted. Mirrors, flashlights and lasers and paying the neighbor’s kid (because we don’t have real friends) to come and hold them while marking the wall became common.

However!! In my experience, I have not actually been able to tell the difference between panels on and off that first reflection point. Of course, I can hear the difference between panels and not, but after all these years, I want to ask if any of you personally know that the first reflection point really matters more than other similar locations. Were we scammed? By knowing I mean, did you experiment? Did you find it the night and day difference that was uttered, or was it a subtle thing, and if those panels were moved 6" off, would you hear it?


Mahgister wrote: "how will you create ideal listening conditions in your own room?"

That would take a while for me to answer and would de-rail or hijack the thread.

I get the impression that you have something you’d like to share:

"The best is the cheapest way to create a stunning audio experience is not upgrading your audio system to a more transparent one at prohibitive cost, but transforming your room in a positive player...The rewarding is astounding and the cost very low....

"This is my experiment...This is my point.... "

It sound like you are very excited about something you have done in your room. Maybe you could start a thread about it?

we speak about first reflections point and their obstructiveness or usefulness...

It seems to me that i was speaking about that...

It seems to you otherwise...

You do not enjoy a change of perspective it seems?

Perhaps it will be a good idea to read Floyd Toole article...You will have a cue of what i speak about ...

My best to you... I will go....

Mahgister, it sounded to me like you have created a "stunning audio experience" by doing something to you room, but I have absolutely no idea what you have done. I have no idea what your "change of perspective" is, but would like to. You seem to be very excited about it.  Have you discovered something new?

It also sounds like you may feel offended by something I said, which was not my intent. If you want to talk about that too, feel free.

Which Floyd Toole article are you referring to? I’m somewhat familiar with his work on sound reproduction, and on the acoustics and psychoacoustics of loudspeakers and rooms.

Like usual i react too swiftly to your post...

I apologize to you...

You are a good faith person and i am too passionnate...

I apologize in double...

This article is only few months ago...very interesting to say the least...

I had not speak about my own way and experiments with my room here my goal was not to derail the thread...

I only refer to them by the concept of active controls of room by relation to passive treatment of room...

I related my 2 years journey in my thread...

"Miracles in audio....."

My goal was with only homemade device and very low cost materials transform an audio system to a totally new level...

I expose how with the concepts of the 3 embeddings of an audio system, the most powerful being acoustic, but the electrical embeddings being also very powerful.... The mechanical embedding being important but less powerful...The acoustic methods has 2 way: active and passive.... The active way is almost unheard of in any audio thread... The "superstition" that we must eliminate reflection points instead of working with them comes from that ignorance about active controls and the way the brain work to recreate a lived sound event from a recording in an actual room....

Ok i dont wanted to derail the thread ....

My deepest regards to you....
Seems like the only alternative to avoid all this is to buy acoustic measurement software like from Dayton audio and figure out your room. Then treat it accordingly.

Sigh, I don't know.  I mean, honestly, I know speakers more than acoustics, and I think that for the average audiophile, this is a steep learning curve.  I mean, if you want to learn about acoustics, then YES, get yourself a mic and some software young lady/young man and go west with the wagon train...

Fun stuff.

But when I think of how to be helpful, what can I say which helps audiophiles enjoy their systems longer, better, asking the pros for help is a better way to go, along with some experimentation here and there.