Setting up a Mac mini as a music server, and other digital music questions

Hi All,

I'm sure this topic has been covered a bazillion times before, but thought I'd ask the Audiogon community as I don't see much up-to-date info on the web. I just purchased a DAC (Ares II) and my old Macbook Air that has been serving as my music server won't run the latest Mac OS, so probably time for a replacement. I'd like to set up a computer to store my music files on SSD, and probably handle some high-res streaming down the line. I'm currently subscribed to Apple Music, and seems hard to get out of the Apple ecosystem.

What does everyone recommend to get the best sound? Mac Mini + some kind of music software/service into the DAC?

Thanks for your help!
Get the most from your DAC, buy a purpose built music server.  The better the server the better you DAC will sound.   Something like

get Roon and Qobuz/Tidal and get going!
Hi All,

Thanks for the helpful replies. Actually hadn't realized how far behind I was with the times. I've always focused on speakers and my amp, and not given much attention to the source, with the idea that I'd get everything else sounding good first. So - my new plan is to go with Tidal -> Bluesound Node 2i streamer -> Ares II DAC -> integrated tubeamp (Reisong Boyuu A50 - taking a chance after watching Audiophiliac review) -> GoldenEar Triton 2+.

Will see if it all works!
I use a Mac Mini with Channel D's Pure Music. This is the program Michael Fremer uses. I use a 6 TB hard drive and a USB to SPDIF converter. The sound and features are excellent and Channel D's customer service is excellent. There is only one problem. There is a port leak that causes the program to crash every three hours. This is an Apple problem they say will be fixed soon. It does not occur with the older operating systems. 
Get a proper server: I changed from a tricked out Mac Mini (mach2music) to an Innuos Zenith Mk3 and there is no comparison. The Mini suffers from too much noise and vibration everywhere and all the tweaks (isolation platform, LPS et al) can’t do enough to clean it up.
I use a Mac Mini as a server with a DAC and have for years.  I started with a Windows based machine and a wazoo sound card back when streaming was in it's infancy.  My first DAC was a Audio Alchemy Digital Decoding Engine V1.1 and I've changed/upgraded DAC's many times. Since going to Apple my interface has remained pretty much the same, iTunes in Gird now Swinsian in grid mode. By staying with the combination of a Computer & DAC  and avoiding the single box upgrade game  and I've been able to reach into the lower end Esoteric DAC. That said, I'm done with Apple Products and their Eco system. My next computer will have Ubuntu on it.