Looking for a phono preamp that has volume control

Looking for a phono preamp that has volume control. I've gone digital and sold my preamp. I don't want to convert the analog to digital and play it thru my DAC. And I miss my records. So I'm looking suggestions, preferably tube phono preamp with  volume control.
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Well, if you want a tubed phono stage  with just one analog input, a friend of mine was very happy for many years with an Aesthetix IO phono stage with an analog input.  A superb unit.  Tough to find used, but I think they may still make it, though it's expensive.  If you want to spend less money, the ideas above are pretty good as well.
Not inexpensive but the Art Audio Vinyl One can have a remote volume pot added for $250.  I am the importer.  If we have one in stock in the UK, it would be $4750 with the volume control and ships in about three weeks.  
+georgehifi recommendation above.  Can't beat the Schitt SYS for $49, and buy whatever phono stage you want.