It’s a pleasure.

It’s really a pleasure when you can turn your stereo on, enjoy the sound and music right off the bat without agonizing over technicalities.
Absolutely right.

I'm listening three ways right now, #3 the simple pleasure you mention.

I've finished the TT upgrade, happy in all respects, and have a very successful cleaning method for my old LP's, actively cleaning in batches of 10.

1. listening while cleaning, quite enjoyable, but scattered involvement

2. playing cleaned ones, distracted by: sounds darn good, but is it a keeper? Likely to play it again? Sell it? I need room!

3. play a known keeper, sweet involvement as you describe

Putting on an old album that you haven't listened to in years because the SQ was irritating - and being very pleasantly surprised that now it's wonderful.Then trying a few more that used to make you cringe and finally you can smile and enjoy.
Maybe I don’t have the best, most revealing system in the world. But I’m not going to worry about that.  As long as I can enjoy the great sound I have, and not imagine how much better it can be, I’ll be happy.
Good atitude!  Enjoy what you have, after all, it is the pleasure of listening that counts!