LTA Microzotl Preamp

Recent new owner of LTA Microzotl Preamp; It is EVERYTHING I have read here....dead quiet, wonderful depth of soundstage, great air around voices....interestingly, voices/instruments sound "relaxed", no clue what that customer support....I give it my 4* review....

System:  Oracle Delphi/Graham Arm/Ortofon A95
               Herron VTPH-2A phono preamp
               NAD C658 DAC/Streamer
               Threshold 4000
               Von Schweikert VR 4.5 silver
I cannot get this preamp out of my mind.
I have an Audio Alchemy DDP-1 DAC/preamp which is very good and a relative bargain (Robt Harley rated it highly, fwiw). I've also thought about going to an integrated amp (Pass or other) but ... I can't get this preamp out of my head! It's an excellent headphone amp too, I've read. It would require me to get a separate DAC though.

I wish I could try one in my system.