I had a great conversation with John Rutan yesterday. What a cool guy! He spent about a half hour with me, asking about my system, my room, and my music preferences. I mentioned that I am a jazz musician, and he told me about the drummer Billy Drummond's Vandy 3 system. He said Billy uses a Bryston 3B he bought on the cheap (used, I assume) and a Modulus preamp. He also talked to me about the problems in pairing tube preamps with ss power amps. All in all, he gave me a lot to think about. I am planning now to save up some coin so I can dive into used ss separates while retaining my PL integrated so I can compare them better. Chances are that if I don't dig the ss stuff, I can resell it here. Likewise the PL--not a lot of those coming up for sale here.
Thanks so much for connecting me with John, Bob. Much appreciated.
Thanks so much for connecting me with John, Bob. Much appreciated.