External DAC?

Hey guys,

Here's my current setup:  Node 2i > Marantz PM KI Ruby > Dynaudio Special 40.

I am considering getting an external DAC and bypass the Node's DAC.   I have seen great reviews for the Topping D90 but the MQA only works via USB (node 2i doesn't have usb out).  Not that big of a concern because I can always use Qobuz HiRes instead and to be honest, I can't tell much of a difference on most tracks.

Anyway, is the Topping D90 a worthy upgrade to the node 2i?  Or should I spend more and go for the trusted Chord Qutest?  I will be stretching my budget with the Chord but I am to wait and save up if it is worth it.  Any other DACs in this price range?

Please advise! 
some love the Topping some don’t, some think most DAC’s pretty much sound the same, some think they sound very different...but older high end DAC’s can often be had on the cheap...
I have two systems,the main system has a Node 2i. I’m running that through an April Music DA100 stello signature. I prefer the April over the 2i’s DAC. More detail,and way bigger,and holographic soundstage. The second system has a Node 2. That is running through a Beresford Bushmaster. Very inexpensive. I still prefer that over the 2’s DAC. A little punchier,and again a much larger,holographic soundstage. YMMV. 
“I don’t understand why people don’t think the streamer matters and that adding a marginally better DAC to a $500 streamer/DAC is going to substantially improve sound quality.”

+1, @big_greg.
Go for a better DAC now and later upgrade the streamer. Explore high quality offerings Lumin, Innuos and Aurender.
If you’re not ready for a quantum leap (and big spend) the Metrum Flint Gen Two will do what you ask for, make the BluNode bloom.
For ~$655 delivered to U.S.
30 day free returns.
If you want a Topping buy from Apos.
They’ll match price and ship DHL direct from China.
I prefer Dutch.