External DAC?

Hey guys,

Here's my current setup:  Node 2i > Marantz PM KI Ruby > Dynaudio Special 40.

I am considering getting an external DAC and bypass the Node's DAC.   I have seen great reviews for the Topping D90 but the MQA only works via USB (node 2i doesn't have usb out).  Not that big of a concern because I can always use Qobuz HiRes instead and to be honest, I can't tell much of a difference on most tracks.

Anyway, is the Topping D90 a worthy upgrade to the node 2i?  Or should I spend more and go for the trusted Chord Qutest?  I will be stretching my budget with the Chord but I am to wait and save up if it is worth it.  Any other DACs in this price range?

Please advise! 
I have two systems,the main system has a Node 2i. I’m running that through an April Music DA100 stello signature. I prefer the April over the 2i’s DAC. More detail,and way bigger,and holographic soundstage. The second system has a Node 2. That is running through a Beresford Bushmaster. Very inexpensive. I still prefer that over the 2’s DAC. A little punchier,and again a much larger,holographic soundstage. YMMV. 
“I don’t understand why people don’t think the streamer matters and that adding a marginally better DAC to a $500 streamer/DAC is going to substantially improve sound quality.”

+1, @big_greg.
Go for a better DAC now and later upgrade the streamer. Explore high quality offerings Lumin, Innuos and Aurender.
If you’re not ready for a quantum leap (and big spend) the Metrum Flint Gen Two will do what you ask for, make the BluNode bloom.
For ~$655 delivered to U.S.
30 day free returns.
If you want a Topping buy from Apos.
They’ll match price and ship DHL direct from China.
I prefer Dutch.

Just make sure you can return whatever you try. The Topping D90 you mentioned it a good DAC. If you don't need volume control or MQA try a Topping E30. There are a lot of good DACs out there you don't need to spend a fortune for great sound.