Think fast: What would you take?

I live in beautiful Portland, Oregon.
Pandemics, riots, rain, no rain, economic turmoil, comets...
Now we have devastating fires. 
One of my audio buddies is waiting in an evacuation center, awaiting the horrible news that he's lost his home. A couple others are at level 2 ready to abandon their homes. These guys are the best audiophile guys you could ever hope to have around. You probably know them.
With light rain in the forecast (Monday), I feel fairly safe.
But, I have collected one small suit case, just in case. My car will be loaded with camping gear. A photo album. Maybe a friend or 2.
Of the items in my listening room, I know I can't take any equipment. Maybe a couple Lps? No, I could replace those. 
So, I ask you: What would you take?
Hopefully, you'll never be in such a situation.
Just to be clear here
Audio is one of the last things that would enter my head in that situation.
All material possessions that can be replaced, your life cannot.
Couldn't agree more. I have one life. I have insurance.  A lot of things can't be replaced, but they are... things.  I'd grab the dog, maybe a duffel bag of clothes, my passport and wallet and get the heck out of dodge.  Better to live to rebuild and get all the old toys replaced with new ones than the alternative.

I hope and pray I’m never in that situation and have extreme sympathy for those that are. I really don’t know what I would take but family photos come to mind and important documents, especially my insurance policies.
Best of luck, Oregon.

While moving to the NW, we lost everything (mobile) to a RV fire at the 3-months point of a cross-county homeschool tragicomedy. Ended up running for our lives down 101 near Newport, in a snowstorm with no shoes or coats.  We got the kids out, but the dog ran back inside and we were not able to get it out. The dog is the only thing that still bothers me.

Like a few other people said, get your documents, photos, and if possible your pets.

Again, best of luck.

P.S. I was able to go back and retrieve some items from the RV before it went to the junkyard. Now I wish I had taken the stack of melted CDs.
To think that 10% of the population of Oregon is being told to prepare to evacuate is beyond comprehension. That’s around 500,000 people.

We need to seriously rethink some things.

All the best,