Thoughts on a system upgrade.

I have been following and enjoying the posts on Audiogon for about six months now and am posting for the first time looking for advise and ideas on what to do next with my system. I would consider myself a budget Audiophile although some of you may have a different opinion of my self assigned classification. 

I am looking for ideas on improving the weak link(s) in my system possibly with replacing one component and am looking to invest approximately another $2500. I also understand that I could use many smaller improvement tweaks and welcome all comments. 

My system is in a 14’ x 14’ room with a 12’ ceiling. My speakers are about 12’ apart and my primary listening position is centered at the 12’ point of the triangle from the speakers and consists of the following.

PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell Preamplifier/DAC

Music Hall MMF-5 Turntable with Hana EL MC Low Output Cartridge

Clearaudio Smart Phonostage V2

Bluesound Node 2i 

Nakamichi MB-10 CD Player

The Power Cables on the electronics above are a combination of Shunyata Yenom 3 and V14, and Audioquest NRG-Y2. Interconnect Cables are a combination of Pangea Premier and Premier SE. 

The electronics are housed on the wall to the right of the speaker wall on the top half of a very heavy two piece wall unit. I have no options to move them anywhere else.

The electrical outlets are on a dedicated line to the breaker box with standard household wiring. 

PS Audio Stellar S300 Power Amp positioned to the center of Vandersteen Treo speakers and connected with Bluejeans-Belden 12 AWG speaker cables. The Amp is connected to the Preamplifier with 22’ Bluejeans-Belden XLR Balanced Interconnects. The Amp is positioned on the bottom shelf of an end table with a Butcher Block Acoustics platform. I don’t have an option for a dedicated Amp Stand.

The Amp is connected to the wall outlet and a Furman 215A Conditioner with Audioquest NRG-4 Power Cables.

I listen to Classic Rock, Progressive Rock, and Americana for the most part and occasionally Jazz and Classical. Vinyl when in a serious listening mood and CD’s and Streaming for exploring and convenience.

I have been considering upgrading my TT to a Clearaudio Concept w/Satisfy Tonearm and a Hana Shibata MC Cartridge. I’m not actually sure if the TT is the weak link in my system so welcome comments. 

 I’ve read many times on this forum that your ears are the best test of what sounds good and mine are quite happy but I have the bug to keep improving and as a friend of mine says it’s a slippery slope.

With that said I welcome comments and I hope I have given enough detail as I will not be available real time to answer any question. Thanks to everyone.

You know how they say a supermodel works the runway?

Super audiophiles work the same way. They have the goods and know it because they learned how to work the room. They might actually end up saving a lot of money  if they learn to do it really well.
Tweaks are capable of bending the laws of physics and can turn square acoustics into rectangular ones. You just aren’t using the right mat or have enough subs. A well-placed cone can actually alter the speed of sound thereby improving acoustic reflections. Skip the room treatments and get a better fuse in your amp. This is so simple.
Your system is well balanced.  There isn't an immediate "weak link".
This will sound like a broken record, but go get a room consultation with GIK.  Potential improvement with proper acoustical treatment is greater with the kind of outlay you're looking at than with anything else (cartridge, cables, tweaks, etc.).
Thanks for the information on GIK. I will be curious to see what they have to say with the "Minimal Treatment" box checked.

With that said I like the idea of trying some of the smaller tweaks as I am a believer in the Theory of Continuous Improvement and that small improvements add up to the sum of their parts. You get closer to perfection with every step you take and as you get closer to your goal the steps become smaller and smaller. 

I gave Stevie Ray Vaughan's Texas Flood a spin this morning and to my ears it sounded pretty damn good but in my head I know it can get better so I will continue on.

Good thread. MY first observation, as a Vandersteen owner for over 20 years:

I religiously follow Richard V’s speaker placement instructions that came with the speakers in the owner’s manual. They have never let me down. FWIW.

My next step is room treatments, especially ASC Tube Traps to tame the bass loading. Still researching other options... one can sink a ton of dough into treatment goodies with small returns if not careful.