My expectation is that a tube amp will improve the imaging, layered sound stage, and sense of aliveness I think I hear when the treble gets better detail without sibilance.
Right. Should be fine. Only slight concern is when you say the McCormack RLD is too polite. Never heard that one myself. Had a DNA1, beautiful sounding amp. Very, very close to the Aronov and Melody tube integrateds. Very close in sound, very close in perceived power. Which there's the 150W SS to 50W tube equivalence thing. But in terms of sound, if you like the DNA and just want a little better imaging, layering and palpable presence, you should be able to find that with tubes. Any of the amps people are recommending should do that easily.
Improved treble detail without sibilance is a sort of hallmark of tubes vs SS. The better tube amps provide extended treble that can seem downright liquid. The last guy to hear my system was into digital and while he was here kept thinking my system should be more cold and analytical. Only find himself yearning for that nice full round warm sound that was missing when he got home. So there's something about it that wins over even those who aren't naturally inclined. Seeing how this is already the direction you want to go its a safe bet you will find what you are looking for.