Member Almarg passed away last night

Al ( @almarg ) passed away peacefully yesterday evening, September 14th, 2020.

Margaret, Al's wife, was by his side most of the afternoon.

Both she and Al, as well as Al's family, were deeply touched by the outpouring of respect and appreciation for Al from members who, via written word, shared so very much in the 'Update on Audiogon Member Almarg' thread.

 Margaret extends her thanks, gratitude and appreciation to all members. She treasures each and every post.
RIP Al and prayers to Margaret and his family.  His shared knowledge and goodwill will live on here forever.
Such a fine man, he truly will be missed here.  My condolences to Margaret.  
As we extend our condolences... perhaps we can also commemorate, salute, and celebrate the man Al was...

If you have stories, memories, anecdotes, etc. to share...I’m sure the Audiogon community will enjoy reading and be touched by the connections to... and remembrances of Al.

Margaret has compiled the responses from the other thread and shared those with Al’s family members. I know she would love to hear more!

"Your messages throughout this process have truly kept me on a clear path to knowing Al even better than I had. I can’t thank you enough..." - Margaret.
Gone but not forgotten. His contributions to the hobby he loved and the help he provided will live on here. Condolences to his family. 
My sincerest condolences to Margaret and family.

Al was the nicest, most polite individual here and will never be forgotten for that and his vast knowledge base. R.I.P.

I'll always remember his famous disclosures on every thread:
Best regards,