Solitary listener

With this pandemic it’s difficult to get anyone to come over to share your audio system with.
No matter how good it sounds, there’s no one to enjoy it with you and confirm your good feelings.
Hopefully the situation will get better soon.
I had a friend over yesterday for a great listening session. He flew in from Chicago over 10 days ago.We could have done it sooner but we both wanted to be safe as we were sitting in side by side chairs.
I agree with some of the responders that even in the best of times it is tough to get people to sit down and listen to a good system including my wife. Treasure the Audiophile buddies that you have as we may end up on an endangered species list unless more people get into this wonderful but crazy hobby.
i absolutely needed my friend to listen to a new component and my speaker repositioning before committing to purchase. And he did following very strict prevention protocol. I felt crazy that I could not hold a cd he offered me without sanitizing it.  And I felt mighty relieved his opinion on the new sound confirmed mine.   Now I need to reciprocate as he also needs my ears test his system.  
middlemass, you like Captain Beefheart! My Acoustat 2+2s played Trout Mask just yesterday.
My best friend is stuck in Mass General following back surgery. They won't  let him go until he poops. With all the morphine they are pumping into him it might take a while.
What virus? It is just a peaceful demonstration. 
It’s really a thing that people mention that most of our wives don’t get it.
It would be great if they did, but I guess this is a mostly male dominated hobby.
Also, my audiophile friends are at an age where medical and transportation issues prevent them from coming over.

Yes, a lot could be said.
Actually, it is a pandemic. A pandemic is an epidemic than spans multiple countries and continents.

Once you understand that, and then follow the link provided below, you will see that the CDC twice states that "Mortality attributed to COVID-19 remains above the epidemic threshold."
(First paragraph on the page, last sentence)

and at the bottom of the page: "Severe Disease:Mortality"
"Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 (PIC) for week 36 is 6.3%. This is currently lower than the percentage during week 35 (9.5%); however, the percentage remains above the epidemic threshold and will likely increase as more death certificates are processed."

Note the similarity between the first sentence in that paragraph and the quote provided in the original post.

Aside from slightly limiting the freedom to assemble, what other freedoms have been given up? Private business is just that--private. At the very least, the first and second amendments don't apply to private business. A private business is well within it's rights to prohibit firearms and mandate masks.

Funny, as far as I know, a bunch of armed loonies have never shown up to protest, No shirt, no shoes, no service."

6,081 posts
09-18-2020 4:01am
rvpiano, your request is hypocritical in the extreme. You start a thread "With this pandemic" then tell us to ignore the fact you are saying its a pandemic. When its not. Notice on this page it says
Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 (PIC) for week 36 is 6.3%.

See that? They COMBINE pneumonia, flu (ordinary flu!) and COVID to come up with 6.3%. That is flat out exaggeration. We know from doctors reports they are pressured to list COVID as cause of death. Medicare pays $40k for ICU care with that diagnosis. Awful lotta pressure to list that, even when its not. 

Exactly. The virus is not the danger. The political response to the virus, that is the danger. We have been frightened into giving away freedoms unheard of in American history.

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