Audio Research Reference CD-7

Audio Research has introduced Reference CD-7 tube cd player($8995). Did somebody had a chance to audition it? Opinions?
Barrelchief, here is small review of CD7.
Biggest suprise for me was REF CD7 bass! It is very deep and nicely defined for tube unit! This player has very good PRAT, which is good for tube based unit. Whole presentation is powerful but, not with forward soundstage.
Midrange is creamy, with excellent definition, specially on male vocals. Highs are extended but, not as some of the competitors(Esoteric X-01). Highs are without any trace of edge or grain, this player is excellent for very long listening sessions. No listening fatigue at all, IMO.
On some music(jazz) REF CD7 is more emotionaly involving them my Weiss combo. Actually, I think CD7 is emotional champ!
Break-in period is about 500hours and do not judge its sound until that time mark. REF CD7 runs quite warm(7 tubes inside!) so, it need to be put on the top of your equipment stand. It also benefites from after market power cords... With Acrolink power cord it gained up to 15% better sound. Build quality is very good but, not as good as Esoteric X-01. Value for money is excellent IMO. Even the "Digital kings" like EMMLabs, Esoteric etc. will not put CD7 to shame! In fact emotionally CD7 will better them all, IMO.
If you need excellent RBCD player for up to $10K go and audition ARC REF CD7 for yourself. Also this player is very good with bad recordings which is not always the case with top class digital players...
If you need any aditional info about REF CD7 just post it here. This player deserves thread about itself.
**Also this player is very good with bad recordings which is not always the case with top class digital players...***

However, it is always the case with colored sounding cd players. This one sentence tells me everything I need to know about the CD7. No thanks. I'll take accuracy over euphony any day.
Kevinkwann: Accuracy with digital? Don't we all wish. Digital has a long way still to go to just render the decay of notes in a natural way. For me, who cares about all else that you might classify as accurate. Don't be so quick to slam a product before you give it a listen.
Kevinkwann, all your CD's are perfectly recorded? I doubt that. Do you still want accuracy? Well, good luck. I'd rather have a cd player that plays music than the one that renders 1/3 of my cd collection unlistenable. Just curious, what cd player do you own?