Moving to France

We are planning a move to France fairly soon. Does anyone know the best way to cleanly transform the 240v european voltage down to 117 without a bunch of hum?


On reflection, more to it, I think. California is seen as 'The Big Time' for more reasons than Hollywood, aerospace, and what used to be the climate. That is the University of California, probably the best university system ever. Decade in, decade out. Not to mention Stanford. People of culture know these and honour them, even revere them. When they think of their best, California is their aspiration. (UC out-of-state alumnus)
@terry9 ....Agreed on the UC, and even the CSC systems; the education I received (once out of the public schools) was terrific.  Although never degreed, the courses I took allowed me to Really learn to think and not just 'absorb'....and the price required to do so relative to today was a bargain.

I opted for a more 'general education', the turmoil of the CA job market in my 'era', the 'distractions' in the 'kulture', the 'Nam war (fortunately, 4F; more luck than the disability that did exist), and a counselor that opined that  I was inately bright enough to do any damn thing I cared to.

Unfortunately, lugging cases of IBM punch cards which had to be hand prep'd on a keyboard was of no interest; the 'ground floor' of the 'puter revolution got bypassed...*shrug*  Oh, well....I like Win10 Pro better, anyway... ;)  That, and what I can make it do Now.  *G*

Being a generalist has served me well, overall.  Being a 'adaptable' peg that could fit many holes in different roles in a variety of places in many states.....

'Have Skills, Do Travel' *s*

The only thing I miss most of CA?  The beaches, mostly...

Portably Urs, J

Don’t forget to visit Brussels. Lived there a while.  Very generally speaking, the food is even better than in France. I had a voltage switch on my ARC gear at the time.
Some of your gear may have a 240 volt switch or terminals.  If not, check with a local repair shop.