Streaming Service's Library

I have never streamed or digitally downloaded any music. Always been a redbook CD kind of guy. I listen to a lot of artists that are not "main stream" and was wondering how you can see a download service's library without signing up? I don't want to pay the money if the majority of my music is not available.
That's like browsing the Netflix catalog without signing up. Not gonna happen 
Both Tidal and Qobuz offers free 30 days trial. You need to provide credit card when you sign up. Make sure to cancel the service you do not wish to keep before trial period ends otherwise they will charge the monthly fee and there are no partial refunds :-) 
I was hoping that I could do this without having to sign up and cancel each one. Oh well.
These services are in it for the money.
Cancelling is hardly the worst thing that can happen. In fact, if you hate it, you should know within a few days. That most offer 30 days is pretty generous.