Identifying an Auditorium 23 Step up transformer

Hi, I have an Auditorium 23 Step up Transformer but don't know whether it is the high impedance version - for Denon 103, EMT etc, or the low impedance version for Ortofon SPU. There are no markings that indicate anything on the case. Can anyone help please? Mine has a black earth wire coming from its innards.
Thank You
Finally found the pic (CanuckAudioMart A23 brochure) on our favorites, but cannot locate the original listing.

This is what I referenced in the previous post (was looking @ one for a Denon this past year).

Found an OEM replacement stylus for my Grado Silver (that I don’t recall buying) when rooting around for something else and decided to cheap out and keep using what I have.


@dekay -  Thanks for the link!    That's the closest thing I have for printed info, regarding my A23 SUT.      Got nothing with it, when purchased (well, outside of excellent performance).       
@rogerstaton - You might try contacting Don Better Audio, if you've any further questions.        He’s one of Auditorium’s dealers (where I got mine).
I got a response from Keith at Auditorium 23 and after sending him photos of my SUT he identified it as the one for the Denon 103. The clue to which SUT is which is the spot on the underside which shows : 

• black spot Denon 103
• green spot Ortofon
• yellow spot EMT

I do have a photo which shows the 'rare' info sheet which comes with the SUT's.

Thanks again for all your help.

Happy listening.