Dinah Washington, have you listened to her?

From Ella, Sarah, Diana, Billy and many others...including Rosie...  However, if you have not listened to Dinah Washington you might enjoy giving her a listen.  A bit more "rough around the edges" than some others, but not really like anyone else.   Enjoy..
Yes, Diana.

Sarah Vaughn IS a MUST. For EVERYBODY.

I LOVE Nina, but for many she is an 'acquired taste'.
Yes, my typing and spelling can sometimes be subject to errors. 

 I must now face the gallows.  Please give my 8-track tapes to those more worthy. 

Just  Covid boredom/post debate fatigue for me.

20 lashings with cheap lamp cord  and Justin Beiber on repeat for your offense.
Dinah Washington embodies the best of everything that makes a great singer:
Great diction
Great pitch
Great feeling
Great style
Delivers the lyric
Great taste
Great musicianship
Great rhythm
What’s not to like?
Check out Blue Gardenia and Make theMan Love Me. Classics.