Always always DC voltage rating greater or equal to original. The screw terminal spacing must be exact. The physical dimensions can be different as long as it fits (don’t neglect top clearance to cover). The farad value can be 24mfd, which should be a common size. You can go bigger but you have to know the current rating of the rectifiers to see if they can handle the resulting higher inrush current, as well as being mindful of the effect on the transformer (higher stresses can do damage).
Warning: accidentally reversing the polarity of filter caps can cause an explosion (literally!) so triple check the original orientation with the new. It is always recommended to use a variac to power on the amplifier with about 10 volts AC and check the dc polarity across the caps to make sure they are correctly installed.
Warning: accidentally reversing the polarity of filter caps can cause an explosion (literally!) so triple check the original orientation with the new. It is always recommended to use a variac to power on the amplifier with about 10 volts AC and check the dc polarity across the caps to make sure they are correctly installed.