New Yamaha integrated amps

Just a few days ago I checked the Yamaha site to see if they really were releasing a new S lineup. I read somewhere (maybe Reddit or here) that they were going to release updated S series integrated amps. Well, I checked again tonight, and voila! There they are---the new A-S1200, 2200 and 3200 (flagship). I'm in the process of looking for a new integrated and the 2100 was on my radar. I'd like to see what's different on these. I bet the older models will have some sweet deals. Has anyone seen or heard them yet! 
Apologize as I am a bit late to this discussion.  So much going on out there....

I am listening to the Yamaha AS2200 while typing this.  This Yamaha replaced Bryston and Parasound monoblocks due to space contraints.  This unit is an incredibly musical amp for the money.  I doubt if I can do any better without spending several thousand more.  The highs are well extended but not fatiguing.  Extremely pleasant and holographic sound that induces toe tapping.  At 90W/C, my Polk 707s could use a bit more power, but it's more than adequate at medium volume.  The bass is also very tight and accurate.  In reality it sounds more like an 150 wpc amp. 

Now in search of streamer/dac unit.  I'll take recommendations from those who matched well with respective AS2100.  A friend just recommended replacing current Spotify with Roon/Qobuz combo for streaming.  Been looking at Lumin D2, Teac NT505.       

Anyone have the A-S2100 and the A-S2200 and can speak to the differences in sounds signature?

I owned the luxman 505ux-2  it very nice sounding but not the lsdt word in low level detail s I sold it the Anthem srt with room correction noticably better.
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I the 2100 vs 2200 very small and accessories for less is a authorized dealer and I bought a factory refurbished 
which just means it had a failt and it was not only fixed but more extensive testing  1 year warranty vs two , and for $95 
you can get a 3 yr extended plan for $2500 new ,and free shipping a steal , the 2200 a bit better wiring scheme on the outputs
slightly, and a torroid for it has slightly less flux but they put a small faraday cover over it ,to absorb any stray magnetic field Luxman still use EI transformers, and inside almost identical 90% of the very good Nichicon Gold capacitors , same Nippon Big power caps 44x x 4.  When the warranty runs out I will have it maxed out 
with a top potted Piltron 750 or 800 va transformer and a few other goodies for around $1500 you can be where the 3200 model sits 
it’s all about maxing out the parts quality  and $5k more.
bring into modding over 20 years,with Loudspeakers I do my own mods ,electronics I know parts I let the techs do Thst,and owning a Audio store the techs showed me almost anything can be noticeably improved. Please remember on average roughly 25% goes into the build the rest  overhead and markup.I was going to buy the new Marantz model 30 class D, but this mosfet amp is special these Mosfets they use a tech told me $70 each ,that's top
my friend sold his $6500 McIntosh for it just didnot have the same depth and realism ,many people know not much about build quality,think Dan Modwright modt of whst he uses is already in these Yamaha top series the the 2100 series on up true balanced and even convert the rca to balanced ,the 1200 doesnot 
their floating ground system is very quiet the output wiring to your loudspeakers  awg14 which is the same I your home on a 15 amp breaker .I use dedicated 20 amp 4 wire dual ground 1 isolated,insulated ground which is best ,and Silver circuit breaker 
$50 vs $10 but does not corrode,oxidize like copper ,which every 6 years should replace silver no problem silver oxide is a good conductor.I bought mine in black ,much more silver which from The same place the silver was only $2300 I had to eat the $200 more for the black , and the preamp is active ,has several of its own power supplies ,all relay electric motor ,once a month good to 
switch all inputs to keep relays optimum ,very fast I wished it had a 
led read out , and if in mute lowers volume to low ,then goes back to last setting ,when you shut off remember to turn down ,it remembers last setting , and can set on back auto shut down if not using for 8 hours it auto goes into shut down. That’s a good sample of the unit ,nice natural almost kt88 presentation in the lower midband smooth top end ,untill you get at least 250-300 hours it will be a bit forward and just gets better , the utube videos 
not totally accurate ,as a ex store owner know always fully runin 
no less then 250 hours digital I give 350-400 hours, and put a good power cord on it, it truly can make or break its balance and performance ,on a budget the Pangea ac 9 mk2-SE uses Cardas 
top -0 Crystal copper awg7 Anaconda size  but very good .a $500
cable for $200 , if you have $$ you can do better still I have a triode audio wire thsts great but over $1k and for sure 150% yes you can here more refinements I have done bling tests with many cables in a afternoon with several people over , and results were 
90% + accurate, I have 1000S of hours having time to experiment 
when I owned a store full of Audio candy.  Hopefully this will help .
just look at the Ton of reviews on the S 2100 integrated amp
2200 if you don’t mind spending $4k is a great deal vs the $6k+ competition.  And slightly better a few % better at best .
I have  friends who compared them.