Speakers for Bedroom - Vinyl/Vintage equipment

Looking for some suggestions for speakers for a master bedroom. Dimensions are 24x20. Would like to spend no more than $1500. This system will be strictly a vinyl system. Using Pioneer 1978 SX-80 receiver with 45watts and a Pioneer PL-51 turntable. Diverse types of music including; Rock, 80's Pop/Rock, 50's music, Jazz. No classical or country. Would prefer no subwoofer to be involved. Thank you!
I can also recommend Dahlquist dqm-9's there are parts and service still available from Regnar (no affiliation).
Also, other DCM models from the same era as the Time Windows are quite superb IMO. Time Frame 600's are very nice as are CX-17's. I have a cosmetically challenged set of the CX-17 that have outperformed many other speakers in a 14x 20 room. they were driven by a Pioneer SX-770. (20wpc I believe).
Mapman makes a good point in re: performance and reliability.
There are many very good new speakers out there in your price range.But I couldn't possibly describe how happy I feel when I sit down to listen to a 70's receiver through
a pair of 70's Altecs. Enjoy the hunt!

I would have to agree with the Klipsch Heresy or Heresy II suggestion. Very efficient and dynamic for R&R and jazz but doesn't handle the low lows like a tower would but what bass is availble(minimum around 60Hz) is very tight. I have a pair of HII's in my master bedroom(13x21) and they have no trouble at all filling room with plenty of clean volume.

If you don't mind a smallish floorstander, I suggest a pair of Klipsch Quartets(H31xW15xD12) which will handle the lower frequencies(minimum around 38Hz) that the H's or HII's fall short on. Also very efficient(97.5dB) and dynamic.

If I had to go vintage for the speakers, Klipsch Heresy perhaps or I would consider a pair of factory refurbished OHM Ls, C2s or Hs, if available from OHM Acoustics currently. Ls were my favorite small bookshelf speakers and Hs my favorites overall. C2s are in between with a slighty brighter tonality that can work well at lower volumes, more like the Klipschs.

Refurbished from OHM, if available, these cost from $600 to $1000 a pair, I believe.

You could do a lot worse than a pair of original OHM Walsh 2s for just a couple hundred likely used as well. These can also be upgraded later to the current modern drivers if desired.
Pair of Time Window speakers on the bay that look good. Not cheap but they do look to be in good shape. Also found some nice Large Advent from


If anyone has any opinions that would be great! I appreciate all the great comments and suggestions.
I'm sure my bedroom system is no comparison to what you're going to have, but I recently pulled my old equipment from the attic which consist of an old yamahac-50 preamp, maratntz c65 cd player and a SONAMP 260 amp, purchased a few sets of Baby Advents, and I have to tell you, I'm very impressed. If you're intereted in a set let me know I have 3 more pair. They need refoaming, but the cabinets and grills are in great shape, and they're still in original boxes