From these models, I think your space is not large, correct?
I have never owned flat panels.
From your comments, at this point you are amazed by the Magnepans, and now pre-disposed to the clarity of their midrange primarily, and find that missing from box speakers.
If that remains, it is flat panel for you, so, what other flat panels to consider? Is used flat panel a good idea? I have no idea, others can comment.
I will say, based on their inefficiency, limited bass, and within it's limits, the spec of +/- 3db, which is a swing of 6db, I would not buy them. I certainly would go for more reserve power for any inefficient speaker.
I suggest you make sure you have a return option and listen in your space.
Love their sound in your space, keep them, refine the location slowly after that decision.
I have not seen a graph, perhaps others know where to find one, but it is possible +3 is in the mids, and -3 in both highs and lows, thus emphasizing the midrange. Come to find you miss the lows in your space, return them.
btw, 3 to 6 hrs is not easy, but in the long view of things, no biggie considering how long you will own them. You will always wonder .... I always pre-arrange things, re-confirm in the am, things can change suddenly, the most knowledgeable person might have a family emergency.