The best speakers over 50K

I am curious.  I recently heard a pair of Vandersteen Seven speakers and I thought they sounded as good as any speaker I heard at this price.  Yet, when I look to the various forums where the users discuss the best speakers, I never see these listed.  Am I missing something?


You have Treo CTs AND Sevens! Good God, man. I'm dying for Treos and you went to heaven with Sevens. Congrats. ;)
i’ve liked Vandersteen Sevens every time i’ve heard them at shows. a fine speaker and i think worthy of it’s price tag. i owned a similarly configured speaker, the Evolution Acoustic MM3’s, for 6 years (2006-2012), and maybe slightly preferred them.

since 2012 i’ve owned a twin tower speaker system, the Evolution Acoustic MM7’s, which you can see on my system page. it does cost more than $50k.

when you get into MM7 territory, there are a number of really good speaker systems, but the room and set-up will become the limiting factor. to get the most out of those type speakers is a huge task. you cannot just plunk them down and expect magic. speakers with big very dynamic sound requires a finely tuned room to harness it. therefore; hearing ’mega’ speakers in an audio show only allows for a hint of it’s capabilities.

try and find a mature system with those type speakers to get what they can do. it will take effort to find a system like that to hear. and just because someone owns big expensive speakers does not mean they have them optimized. 
There are so many amazing options in that price range.  My personal preferences in this range are:

Raidho TD3.2 or TD3.8.  Love Raidho's sound.  The soundstage they deliver is immersive and engaging in ways few other speakers accomplish.  And the drivers deliver amazing detail.  These are wonderful speakers.  

Marten Coltrane Tenor 2s are incredible.  Big step up in cabinet tech when you get to the Coltrane line and these smaller foorprint Martens are to die for.  Unbelievable imaging from a box speaker.  

MBL Radialstrahler 101E Mk.II loudspeaker - I have heard these at a couple shows and my god do they sound good.  My 7yo son was blown away by how they sounded.  Definitely not for everyone aesthetically by holy crap are they awesome speakers.