Advice needed please.

My Cary 303/100 cdp remote control recently stopped working and I'm tired of having to get up from my listening position and manually switch tracks. I contacted Cary about my problem and they mentioned that they would search for another remote or remote code for my 303/100. Well, they couldn't find another remote, but they mentioned that they would post the remote control code on their website once they found it. 2 months later and no remote code for a 303/100 on their website. I've had upgraditis of my cdp to something like a Meridian 508.20,508.24, or 588. I'm looking for a smoother sound without sacrificing details. I tried the Audio Aero Prima cdp and liked the results with jazz, classical,and the like, but with rock and similar music, it just didn't cut it for me. Should I stick with another one box cdp or go with a cdp and dac? Recently, I've really been interested in hearing dacs such as Audio Mirror, Scott Nixon, and Ack! dac. The rest of my system consists of Rogue 99 mag pre, Innersound esl amp, and Magnepan 1.6. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I'm personally of the opinion that there are so many good one box players out there right now that seperates aren't necessary. The newer Cary players, the Meridian players that you've mentioned, the various Naim players, the ARC players, etc. I love my own player, a Tube Technology Fusion CD64 but it doesn't pop up used very often. Sorry about the remote situation, and good luck!
I'd keep hounding Cary. That's a great player (I used to own one) that I found as good as the 306/200.
I use an old sony ES as a transport to an ultrajitterbug to a McCormack dac deluxe only because I like having 5 CDs to choose from with my remote. If you are going the single player route, I would skip all the interconnects and get a single box with very low jitter. Some people report that the eastern sound CD player (version 6) out of China is a steal at a bit over $700 shipped from Cattylink. Perhaps you might find a Proceed CDD transport and add a superb DAC etc but expect to pay 3 times the amount by getting separates and good interconnects. My maggie 1.6s are now nearly as pure in the midrange as the sound I used to get from my modded Dayton Wright XG-8 electrostatics. You have to be just as careful in matching your choices of interconnects and speaker cable in order to get the most out of your source.
I to have never danced with a NON OS Dac until recently.
I figured the comments of rolled off highs and not so exciting music was the norm for this kind of Dac.Especially when compared to oversampling.

I was mistaken on all accounts.Maybe the former versions were lacking. But now I can't see or hear having it any other way than NON OS. It is the closes I've come to vinyl without using vinyl period.

It takes the music and tears it apart . Not in a artificial way like upsampling. The NON OS Dac is more organic and natural to my ears. Everything in the soundstage is more defined and vivid..but without the edginess of the Quad CDP. I've spent time with the Quad 99 CDP, Arcam FMJ DV27 , Modified Toshiba and Pioneer players. Along with the a Meridian Transport and Dac combo. I must admit I could only listen to the Meridian combo for a day or so. I sold it off within a week of buying it.

That Meridian combo put out some of the most sterile, cold lifeless sounding music I've heard in my home.Can you say digititas!LOL I love what they do for movies..but music is a different story.I've listened to several of the Cary players mentioned here in the past. They are great sounding players for sure!

I took a chance on a company not known to average audiophiles. He deals more in the DIY arena .
Although some will recongnize his designs of the Audio Zone gear. His company Audio Sector isn't well known.

His Dac is the best digital play back I've experienced in my home bar none! If I could describe the sound with only one word it would be WET.If you look close at the NON OS Dacs from different companies. You'll notice many use the same D/A converter and recievers.
The only difference being the design of the circuit board and layout. Along with different caps and resistors.

The saying "the simpler the better" it also applies to these little non-assuming Dacs as well.

I say give one a try. Make sure it's with a company that will give you an in home trial. If it doesn't work out can send it back.

Good luck

Thanks alot. The Tube Technology Fusion CD64 is one of the best and they never show up used.

Can you lend me yours for a few years!

Happy Listening.