Having spent the last several months in lockdown, and needing something to do, I've spent a lot of time building speakers of varying designs, sizes and feel.
One thing I am so very curious about is the crossover design he uses.
Makes an easy load for the amp, and apparently doesn't have the phase shift issues associated with a parallel crossover.
And the crossover design is an indicator of how he works. Very fussy design. Any component changes will have a cascading effect.
Simple, but so very elegant.
His cabinets adhere to the same proportions - which makes production for a small manufacturer more efficient. Again, not so easy to do as every incarnation will require its own internal "magic".
As for the other stuff in this thread...
"I know you are, but what am I..."
One thing I am so very curious about is the crossover design he uses.
Makes an easy load for the amp, and apparently doesn't have the phase shift issues associated with a parallel crossover.
And the crossover design is an indicator of how he works. Very fussy design. Any component changes will have a cascading effect.
Simple, but so very elegant.
His cabinets adhere to the same proportions - which makes production for a small manufacturer more efficient. Again, not so easy to do as every incarnation will require its own internal "magic".
As for the other stuff in this thread...
"I know you are, but what am I..."