Beating a dead horse.... SACD

I have a reasonable collection of SACD disks.  I enjoyed the old  Sony DVP-S9000ES when I had it.  In looking at a good sounding player for my collection, is this still a consideration or would you suggest something else.  Limited to 500 dollars to spend.  Thanks
 I have enjoyed the camaraderie and shared experience of other audiophiles on this site and will continue to do so.   In taking classes at all levels of learning and teaching classes at many levels I have experienced wonderful camaraderie from the students and leaders in shared knowledge and experience.  It seems to be one of the benefits of this site. 

I am using an OPPO 83SE as one of my digital sources, and have a few others, mostly less "esoteric" and more for casual listening. 

you said that you enjoyed the Sony S9000ES when you had it and you then say that you would like to find something under $500. there is one for sale right now for $250 , which is well under your budget.

why not get that ?