Beating a dead horse.... SACD

I have a reasonable collection of SACD disks.  I enjoyed the old  Sony DVP-S9000ES when I had it.  In looking at a good sounding player for my collection, is this still a consideration or would you suggest something else.  Limited to 500 dollars to spend.  Thanks
jafant, IIRC Kal Rubinson thought the Sony 5400ES was superior in his Stereophile review.

I have not had the chance to compare the 5400 to anything.  I have had a couple of OPPO and thought they were good with an exception....I believe the British reviewers call it PRAT, and the OPPOs I have used were a bit lacking in that.  One of the most involving/PRAT units I had was the Classe CDP-1....the old Ultra Analog DAC unit. 

If the majority of your SACD disks are multilayer (with redbook playability) why bother @ such a price point?

This said, I was less than impressed with early SACD (sounded imbalanced/phasy) with SOTA gear @ the time, but it could have been the SACD discs/recordings themselves. 
