Question/Advice About Isolation Feet for Speakers

Was hoping to get some thoughts about isolation feet. My setup consists of a Dr. Feikert Volare turntable, Lumin T2 streamer, PrimaLuna Dialogue HP Premium integrated amp, Dynaudio Contour S 3.4LE speakers and twin REL T9i subs. The room is small/medium size and is a second story garage apartment. It is carpeted with a wood sub floor.

I have spent considerable time dialing in speaker and sub placement and finally found the sweet spot. Everything seems dialed in with a good soundstage, tight bass, warmth and generally great sound at all levels.  I’m using the carpet spikes provided with the speakers.  For some reason I started to get the itch to try isolation feet to see if I could make things even better.  I bought the Iso Acoustics Gaia II feet along with the matching carpet spikes. Got everything set up and sat down for a listen. I was disappointed with the results. It seemed like I lost some bass and midrange on some recordings and everything sounded “thinner” if you know what I mean. Still had good separation and soundstage but something seems to be wrong and less warm. My ears admittedly have their good and bad days (tinnitus flares up from time to time) so perhaps that is part of the problem. 
I’m wondering what the issue is.  Does elevating the height of the speakers with the new feet change the sound significantly? I don’t love carpet spikes as they don’t seem to provide the stability of a hard floor but I don’t have that option. I’ve thought of getting some concrete pavers and placing the speakers with the Gaia’s on that surface not using the carpet spikes at all. Not sure if this would help or hurt. I could also just go back to what I was doing before. I’ve read great reviews on these Gaia’s so I’m a little perplexed at this point.

Would really appreciate your thoughts. 
Ag insider logo xs@2xpuppyt
I second the Stillpoints. I'm using Ultra SS which come with carpet piercing spikes as an option for those in your situation. (Though the folks at Stillpoints will tell you that they prefer the hardhats to the spikes in this application). Plenty of threaded insert options that should work with your speakers. Not cheap but very well made and effective.
I have used the Gaia’s with there own carpet spikes add on. They say that is there connection to the floor. Why would the Stillpoints be better?
Using only the spikes you are coupling your speakers to the floor, while the Gaia feet decouple the speakrs from the floor.
Simply put, decoupling and raising the speakrs doesn't work in your room.
You are losing low mids and upper bass. You might want to try re-positioning your speeakers -- or simply go back to using spikes only and enjoy the music!
Nothing should move but the drivers (and any annoying neighbors).

Spikes for those speakers, nobody living below (over garage you said).

Soft only to prevent transfer to neighbors or prevent vibration if floor not solid.

Over a certain weight, then I like 3 wheels to easily adjust toe-in occasionally, as well as push back out of the way when more space is needed. I have a grid wood floor to help me re-position, otherwise you need some inconspicuous marks.

Your speakers, tall type, even if heavy, would be unstable on 3 wheels.

I appreciate all of these responses. I’m going to go back to my original setup and see how that works.