No disrespect meant to your theories and conclusions, it’s just that you’re correcting a mistake that no one is making, and then going into a lot of detail about ALL the things that are involved. It feels a bit patronizing.
I understand what you say....But it is difficult for me to think you are completely right, because that mistake you say nobody is doing is pervasive in all audio threads...
Who amongst all here , how many knowns by experience, that there is NO comparison at all between an audio system before and after a rightful embeddings installation controls in the 3 dimensions?
I apologize if i seems to patronize, but my reading of audio forums in the last 7 or 8 years to create my audio system, persuade me that the majority of people really think that buying a new piece of electronic equipment is the main way to create audio heaven.....
Nevermind what i just said, i understand that my posts can annoy some and i apologize for that....But the truth is my rant adress a real problem also....It is my only excuse for ranting....
My best regards to you OP....