Poor Fritz

There’s no better value and no one as willing to make bespoke speakers out there than Fritz and these forums treat his speakers as if they cost $200K.
They don’t. They are remarkably affordable and yet potential customers put him through the absolute ringer, asking for custom features, going through 2 or 3 models of home auditions and maybe not even buying any of them.

Look, you buy what you want to buy, but I think not enough credit is given to the man or his speakers in terms of the overall value proposition and I think this is a disservice overall.  If you write a 5 page review, please keep this very much in mind that you are not reviewing Wilson or Focal's flagships.  Maybe he doesn't deserve quite the same scrutiny.

"Amps make no difference. I have heard dozens of amps at home and in stores. Cabling makes no difference at all."

ladies and gentlemen
boys and girls

like most deeply troubled internet forum trolls, their getting the response, getting ’a rise’ out of the crowd IS the objective - focused on their unfortunate inner need

only way to defeat is to ignore completely... emphasis on completely

doing anything more is to feed into a ’co dependency’ - part of what is being craved - thus YOU become part of the problem not the solution

ok? got it?

now, lets cue up some heavenly music... let's enjoy this lovely evening
Thank you to everyone who has given kenjit fuel to derail yet another thread and turn it into Kenjit theater.

Your constant stream of engagement has turned this thread into something far from the helpful positive place I tried to start it.

Please, take a bow people.

If you have that option I would shut this thread down as whatever your intended purpose was that is not what has happened.  This from a Carrera Be owner.  He's not going to stop and the rest of the crowd can't seem to help themselves.  He is here because he would have and probably has been banned from every other respectable forum a long time ago.  
Just so you know, I very courteously suggested the same thing about a week ago, and my post was removed by the moderators. I have no idea why they would defend him.