I'm never going to hear a megaspeaker in a good room am I?

Was thinking about something. There’s a thread about good $40K speakers which made me think that honestly despite hearing a lot of them at shows, I’ve never heard one in a decent environment. Now, perhaps we can argue:

If it doesn’t sound good anywhere, including a hotel room, is it really that good a speaker?

But let’s not go that route. But I am thinking to myself, in well treated rooms the best speakers I’ve heard were merely mid-range Wilsons and Magicos. I say "merely" because they were under $40k, not because of performance. The two best speakers I’ve heard, in medicore rooms were the SF Stradivari and Snell A/III, and top of the line Vandersteen.

All the $40K + speakers I’ve heard have been at shows, and either very badly treated rooms, or in halls so big the first reflection point was like a mountain echo. Am I ever going to get to listen to $40K+ speakers in great rooms anywhere again??

As a result, I’ve developed a severe bias against the performance of mega speakers, because I only ever hear them in terrible rooms and have not heard one I’d spend money for, and honestly that's unfair to them.

What do you mean, "again"? You just said you've never heard any in a great room, ever.

Ye who jerketh the knee and speak when not spoken to, repent.

Lament ye pickers of the nits for you may pick all the nits and yet remain hungry for sustenance. Alas, too late thou shalt know the nits will not sustain you.
I wouldn’t worry about it too much unless you have such a room and are looking to spend that much to fill it.

I’m an audiophile. This is my hobby. Am I not allowed to want to listen to very expensive speakers even if I’m not buying?  How else can I tell these mega buyers they are wasting their money if I don't actually have an informed opinion?? :-)
You can for sure but I still wouldn’t worry about it much unless there is a need.
Would you put expensive oversized furniture meant for a grand room in a tiny room? Of course not.

Now what I would do when possible again is get out and listen to live music in the best venues. Then you get an idea of what music can sound like which is useful to help do what is needed to get that as best possible in your room. 

If the room is not too big it may not even have to cost all that much. So you should thank your room ASAP for that!

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