What to do with a center speaker?

I have an Aerial Acoustics center speaker for home theater. It was part of an estate. It is not the latest model and on eBay they only list at around $300. Mine never sold even as low as $200.

I do not do home theater and I don't know what to do with it. Curious about other uses outside of home theater. Could a musician use it as a monitor or something like that? Any other potential uses?

If I can't find something to do with it I'll probably just give it to one of the local thrift stores. I guess I could give it back to the high end audio place where it was purchased originally. They might be able to sell it or use it in the store.
Try Facebook marketplace or Craigslist or some other local platform. There's bound to be a local home theater person who would love it.
No go on Craigslist. It was on there for months. Weird. Also strange that anything from Aerial Acoustics is worth less than $300!
If you're not having any luck selling it yourself, some audio stores will take items on consignment. You probably won't make much, but better than giving it away.