Richard Gray just insalled 4 430k Takman Rey resistors in the DPL, wow factor high, can now put more gain on vol, w/o risking any breakup,
Not sure what res Jadis has in later models, all i can say is this pre 2000 DPL has metal oxide and the Takman Rey's easily out perform their stock resistors.
IMHO all Jadis fans might want to consider swapping out a few res in their pre/amps.
I have 12 plate Rey's in the Defy, after Richard installs another 10+ res in the DPL, I will ask if he will take on the Defy upgrade,,,not sure if he is willing, as Richard prefers working clean solders,,,= the board has to come off = alotttt of labor/time,, The other tech just snipped and soldered w/o taking board off, works just fine,,,I doubt if Richard will go alongw ith that style of <<shoddy work>>
See me vid on the snip/solder work on all the caps.
Sure can't resell like that, but i have no plans to sell the Defy anyway.
The result of swapping out the latest res a quad of 430k, really opened up the DPL resulting is nice gains in high fidelity. The Seas Thors never sounded so clean/natural.
IMHO Takman Rey is the most musical res in current production,,, the Rex Carbon's were too smooth for my taste in the Defy's power supply.
Possibly Rex are prefered for ss amplification,,sort of adds a <<tube-like>> effect of smoothness.
For tube amplification, its Rey's all the way.
Just ordered the other Rey's we will install. Richard likes to make 1 swap at a time, to see how the circuit responds,,with each swap,, the sonics made nice gains, this last swap was the biggest and best.
have no idea where this is/can/will go.
Its already <<high fidelity>> I mean once you are on Mt Everest peak,, where else is there to go?
I might hold off adding the Seas Bifrost project off. I mean its hard to pass up the Cresendo's incredible velvety power and lushness, but with the Millennium's responding as they are to the new Takmans''' do I really want to spend $2200 on the Bifrost project??
Next year we will see.....
Jadis, power/authority with finesse <<but with a lil help from our friends>>
Not sure what res Jadis has in later models, all i can say is this pre 2000 DPL has metal oxide and the Takman Rey's easily out perform their stock resistors.
IMHO all Jadis fans might want to consider swapping out a few res in their pre/amps.
I have 12 plate Rey's in the Defy, after Richard installs another 10+ res in the DPL, I will ask if he will take on the Defy upgrade,,,not sure if he is willing, as Richard prefers working clean solders,,,= the board has to come off = alotttt of labor/time,, The other tech just snipped and soldered w/o taking board off, works just fine,,,I doubt if Richard will go alongw ith that style of <<shoddy work>>
See me vid on the snip/solder work on all the caps.
Sure can't resell like that, but i have no plans to sell the Defy anyway.
The result of swapping out the latest res a quad of 430k, really opened up the DPL resulting is nice gains in high fidelity. The Seas Thors never sounded so clean/natural.
IMHO Takman Rey is the most musical res in current production,,, the Rex Carbon's were too smooth for my taste in the Defy's power supply.
Possibly Rex are prefered for ss amplification,,sort of adds a <<tube-like>> effect of smoothness.
For tube amplification, its Rey's all the way.
Just ordered the other Rey's we will install. Richard likes to make 1 swap at a time, to see how the circuit responds,,with each swap,, the sonics made nice gains, this last swap was the biggest and best.
have no idea where this is/can/will go.
Its already <<high fidelity>> I mean once you are on Mt Everest peak,, where else is there to go?
I might hold off adding the Seas Bifrost project off. I mean its hard to pass up the Cresendo's incredible velvety power and lushness, but with the Millennium's responding as they are to the new Takmans''' do I really want to spend $2200 on the Bifrost project??
Next year we will see.....
Jadis, power/authority with finesse <<but with a lil help from our friends>>