Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???

The new Jadis JA30 Mk2 is now on my radar. Does anyone here have any experience with this amp...thoughts?

Would seem to be in the sweet spot of the Jadis line.
@samhvcc  The new Jadis JA30Mk2 amps really do respond well to tube rolling in the driver stages. I rolled in NOS Telefunken smooth plate 12Au7's and NOS Siemens 12AX7's, a great match up for this amp.
I have now gone through a number of different tubes in the driver section, from RCA clear tops to NOS Telefunken ribbed plates to NOS Mullards, all are interesting..and depending on taste, one could be preferred over the other, but right now the mix i have is where I am going to stay for awhile.
@charles1dad Always has fantastic opinions on tube amps in general and SET amps in particular definitely take his sage advice.
@mozartfan a question is the Richard Gray the same Richard Gray that makes power conditioners?
Having stayed with my JA30 MKII for 3 weeks time, I decided to let them go! Don't get me wrong! These little babies was so good that I would like to go straight to their JA80! Other than the extra power of 80 processes, do you all think they have merits over the 30's? Are they share the same kind of sonic characters?
I would believe the JA80 MKII should be able to cover a wider range of speakers choice. 
Hi samhvcc,
I haven't heard the Jadis JA 80 but given the description of them on the Jadis web  site leads me to believe that their sonic signature would be very similar to the smaller JA 30 mono blocks. The JA 80 doubles the number of  power output tubes.  Each mono block is heavier by nearly 30 pounds.

That's a quite substantial weight gain and suggests larger power and output transformers and a lager more robust power supply. One would expect the JA 80 to be a better match for the Sony speakers as compared with the smaller Jadis JA 30. So in essence you gain power  (And presumably more current capability) with an identical or very similar circuit design.