@samhvcc The new Jadis JA30Mk2 amps really do respond well to tube rolling in the driver stages. I rolled in NOS Telefunken smooth plate 12Au7's and NOS Siemens 12AX7's, a great match up for this amp.
I have now gone through a number of different tubes in the driver section, from RCA clear tops to NOS Telefunken ribbed plates to NOS Mullards, all are interesting..and depending on taste, one could be preferred over the other, but right now the mix i have is where I am going to stay for awhile.
I have now gone through a number of different tubes in the driver section, from RCA clear tops to NOS Telefunken ribbed plates to NOS Mullards, all are interesting..and depending on taste, one could be preferred over the other, but right now the mix i have is where I am going to stay for awhile.