Can a dac really be future proof?

I’m talking via firmware/ software updates. I do get that some integrated amps ( McIntosh, etc) allows you to swap out the entire dac unit/card or whatever. 
I do get having firmware updates to improve stability, etc while the dac is fairly new. Or even let a new format “ kick in” due to final prep ( example MQA). 
How far can firmware - software upgrades carry you as dac chips and other hardware items improve? I can’t see a dac from 5 years ago with older generations of dac chips performing on par with the latest and greatest. Of course, I assume one’s listening taste is consistent for a particular chip/component. One may actually prefer the sound of an older dac over new one. Outside of that, how many years can software upgrades carry a Dac?

"Perfect Sound Forever."

"DACs are more transparent than the physiology of human hearing!" 

Doesn't have quite the same ring to it now, does it? 

Equally absurd though, it must be said.
I just got the RME adi-2 DAC fs and its awesome !  But despite its flash firm ware it will always be limited to dsd 256 and 768k sample rate because of the hardware .... so while I appreciate forward support and enhance features I am quite confident nothing will enhance its sound quality or permit new codecs.... i could be wrong , we'll see
Good video which discusses Dacs here:

Back up a bit in the video to hear more detailed discussion of the technology.
At the moment digital is as close to perfect as it gets. It is miles...years..ahead of vinyl. DACs will get better numbers as engineers are always trying to go one more step, they will get more features but as far as the DAC chip they have been future proof for home audio for years. The RME mentioned above has a chip from about 4 years ago they didn’t bother with the latest version. Surrounding technology will improve, USB, analog stages etc.. but higher SINAD only matters when something is audible.
At the moment digital is as close to perfect as it gets. It is miles...years..ahead of vinyl.
Yeah that’s what they said 35 years ago, and it’s probably as much true now as it was back then.