Notice how many SACD collections for sale?

Does this say something about the state of the medium? Have you pondered throwing in the hi-rez towel?
I just heard the Cary last night at an NJAS meeting, where Dennis Had spoke with us at length about it. It's quite an accomplishment. I still like my heavily modified Sony SCD 777ES at least as much, though I do want to hear them side by side, it will be an interesting comparison. When you hear DSD SACDs played back through a player that is up to the sonic level of the better redbook playback units, you can hear what the fuss is about (the same is true of 24/96 recordings as well). Sadly, the audiophile community, which really is the only one which should be clamoring for improvement in the digital standard, is not big enough to make a difference to the industry and in any case has mostly chosen to sit on the sidelines on this one. I fear an MP3-type future.
The new issue of TAS says something to the effect that had the new Ayre C5xe been released a few years ago SACD would be a lot more popular. To my ears there's often a huge improvement over redbook. I'll definately keep buying them and as I too said before-- those that have bailed, plse send me your SACDS
Classical1, check this thread and you will be glad:
What great responses. I have been listening to the Ayre C5Xe with both SACD and redbook CD. I took several twin copies I have on both SACD and redbook and did a comparison on the AYRE C5. SACD absolutely sounds better than the same redbook disc. On Brubeck's 'take five' the cymbal's have the drumstick to metal transient attack with the SACD. I only get the cymbal tones (softer attack) on redbook. I have had many similar experiences with other titles and SACD always sounds better to me. I plan on buying many more SACD's!
Hififile, I have Take Five on 45 rpm LP and have done a RealityCheck copy. Both are better than my SACD.