Magnepan 1.7 speakers (asking for a friend)

Hello, this question is for a friend who's considering Magnepan 1.7 speakers. I've not tried Maggies in 20+ years, and not as familiar with the new generations Magnepan like the 1.7 model, can imagine they may have improved some...  

>>Hoping others with 1st hand experience with these recent generations speakers from Magnepan might reply<<. 

New Magnepan 1.7
Room: 14'x19'
Amps: Tube, Mono, Ultralinear, custom 60-80wpc
Positioning: various ways

How far apart in a 14' room works for you, with open sides/pockets?
How far from the front wall?
Low capacitance speaker wire matter?
Other thoughts?

No need reply about tube vs solid state amplification, have plenty to test but this will be for tube amps primarily. Thanks in advance, will be happy to pass along your comments. 

I own the 1.7.  Three ft from sides, and 5 from front will be Good start point in that room. Tweeters outside and listening chair 4 ft off back wall. Tow in. Then start adjusting with ears. 
I would just call/email Magnepan directly, and get the dope from the horse's mouth.
If you don't want to do that, PM Audioconnection (John Rutan). He sells Maggies and knows just about every amp out there. He would be able to tell you if your friend's
amps are up to the task. 
He can also give you some pointers on placement.

@gdnrbob, thanks, yeah he does sell them both (speakers and the same amps). Across the US though, maybe he can drop-ship later.  

Same answer as usual I guess, won't know until we try them in our rooms on our setups. Thx. :)  
Some years back I had a set of Maggie 1.6QRs that I drove with a pair of refurbed Dynaco Mk III mono amps which were 60 watts apiece. They did very nicely and I had no problems getting good volume (85 dB average) in a room that was roughly14 X 25. Maybe not the arrangement that a headbanger would want, but then the Maggies themselves would be an unlikely choice for that type of listener.