Who else gets excited every single day looking forward to reading the daily "New Today" in the Audiogon listings?
Definitely dangerous as I can attest to first hand, but is a ton of fun with my morning Dunkin donuts iced coffee while stuck working from home. I get a pretty good idea of the used marketplace and can definitely see whats priced to sell and what I know will linger for months cause people are trying to win the lottery with their pricing. And if you just wait it out, what you’re looking for will pop up- I’ve gotten burned on that one before. I’ve also made the mistake of reading after a few too many drinks and then the next day I was like, why did I buy that?
I also love so many of the descriptions -the same adjectives used over and over. And then having to give a reason why you’re selling something that you just said was the greatest thing ever and a final lifetime purchase type of component.
LoL, yeah, I’m guilty as well. Always window shopping. Seems like theres some good deals to be had right now. Too bad I don’t have any extra $ right now but no biggie, anything I get from here is just icing on the cake anyways.
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