In praise of the ESL-57

About a week ago, I was doing a Kijiji search for some kind of EL84 amp that would be suitable for a rebuild. Buried in an ad for an amp was pair of ESL-57's also for sale. Based on serial numbers and production dates, they were from the early 70's.

Out of curiosity, I asked if the Quads were still available. They were and he had re-listed them in a separate ad at a reduced price. They were missing legs/feet and according to the seller were great otherwise. Grills looked to be in decent shape and after a bit of back and forth, I decided to get them.

Was pleasantly surprised when we arrived to get them. They looked quite good. No problems that couldn't be addressed without a little TLC and elbow grease.

Took a minute after I brought them home to plug them in, and when I eventually did, one was dead. Bad power cord...

Let them sit and charge for a bit and then started running them. After a little repositioning, they were set up as they should.

All I can say is wow. This was my first experience with these lovely speakers. Because of Covid, couldn't audition them before picking up and I have not had the opportunity to listen to a pair before. 

I now understand why they have the following and reputation that they do.

Everything I have read about these speakers is true. The first track I ran through them when they were set up was Jazz at the Pawn Shop. At some point during the intro, there was someone in the audience that "yelped" something or another. I was startled as I thought there was someone standing behind me. Crazy!

I'm surprised and how good the bass is on these. Based on what I had read, was not expecting them to have the depth that they do. (This is from someone who normally listens to Cornwalls...)

The "head in a vice" thing is very true for full benefit, but as I am currently listening to the radio in the background, they are filling the room well and are not fatiguing in any way, which is odd when you consider how fast/detailed/articulate they are.

So very pleased with them!!! As soon as time allows, some temporary legs will be made so I can both get them off the milk crates as well as figure out a design for what will be the final legs.

If I'm not mistaken the Music Reference RM-10 is a good combo that won't harm them
The RM-10, opens up another door as far as amplification goes.

(There are an endless number of doors in the house of Audio...)

The person I bought them from was running them off a rebuilt vintage Electrohome EL-84 based amp. He felt they worked well with that amp.

Along with other amps I have been wanting to build is the Audio Note Kits EL-84 Integrated

Of those who have owned/listened to the ESL-57s, has anyone had any direct experience with EL-84 based amps?

I rebuilt a Leak Stereo 20 years ago. My dealer at the time said it was not recommended to use it to run Qaud ESLs. Obviously, this doesn't speak to all 84s but you might look it up.
For sure some research is required re: EL-84's

I wonder how much of a difference the transformers make with the tubes compatibility?

I started off with the ESL 63s for several years (and Gradient subs).But even then, once I heard the 57s I preferred the tone of the 57s and still do.
I'm a speaker whore and love to keep around several different speakers.It kills me that the 57s just won't work for me as an alternative speaker to have on hand - their design won't work in my home theater room (which does double duty for 2 channel music listening), and I don't have a place to store them either.   Still bums me out.