adding a DAC/Streamer or what

Good morning,
I have Kef Ref 5's and likely adding a Pass Lab Int 250. Wondering everyones opinion on DAC/Streamers? Also does this equipment need to have high price tags to sound great on this system. At this point, I am not thinking of getting into Vinyl.
I really appreciate input before I make this purchase!

My opinion is buy seperates.  You'll want upgrade the DAC before the streamer.
It seriously depends on what you want to stream now and maybe in the future. They ALL have different features. Personally I won't get one without a USB A input for local files. Maybe you don't care about that. 
Then you could start with a $50 Xiaomi Mi and learn the ropes.

Happy trails
+1 @fuzztone — keep DAC and streamer separate if for no other reason than it opens up tons more options on DACs you can choose from to best suit your particular tastes. I would, however, strongly consider a streamer/server that allows you to rip CDs into it (Innuos, etc.) because once you get used to having a world of music at your fingertips, the act of getting up to load a CD will seem absurd. Best of luck.
go to youtube

watch john darko audio 3 part series on basics of music streaming - good tutorial for beginners, well explained, easy to watcg -- so you are not shooting in the dark
Thank you so much for everyone's weighing in and all the opinions and information. Curious to know opinions on separating DAC's and streamers. In addition to my original question.

raw33, I had the same questions you do about streaming, I also have an extensive CD collection in addition to vinyl. I purchased a Marantz Network CD player (ND8006) 14 months ago without auditioning first (60 day return policy). This ND8006 is like a Swiss army knife: CD player/DAC/Bluetooth/Wireless connectivity/HEOS app controlled to Spotify, Tidal, etc. It also has Internet Radio and Apple Air Play.  I ended up using a Windows 10 computer as a dedicated music server , following Marantz instructions, the Windows 10 computer passes the digital signal unaltered to the ND8006 and the end result: it sounds really, really good for $1100.  I am sure others will disagree but at the end of the day, I will always find a good use for this ND8006 even if I decide to upgrade to separates down the road.