Upgrading Quicksilver preamp or amp caps -- warranty impact?

Considering upgrading caps in my Quicksilver line stage and 60wpc monoblocks.

Looking for experiences from people who have done this.

Did it make a difference?
Did you do it while under warranty?
Did you try seeking Mike’s permission to do that so warranty could remain intact?
Any negatives in your experience?

P.S. If you did this with OTHER gear, your experiences are welcome. 
Yes, checking with Mike is a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion.

@noromance did you do this? Do you have anything to share related to my OP? Thanks.
Big Quicksilver fan here (although more the amps than the original Full Function Preamp I had)--I don't mess with Mike's work.
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@tvad I have a thick skin, plus, I know you're a nice guy.
@hedwig I got this suggestion from another QS owner who got some more expert opinions about the level of caps in the units and he and 5 other QS folks upgraded and had great results. YMMV, but it's not as if these amps are 15k amps with premium caps in them, right?