Are there any bookshelf speakers that sound good on a bookshelf?

Due to aesthetic considerations I am pretty much confined to using bookshelf speakers.   I have a REL t5 subwoofer that fills out the base nicely in a 12 x 16 room but want a true bookshelf speaker that can sit on a bookshelf that images well, has a sweet midrange and creates a large soundstage.   I’ve previously been using  Klipsch Heresy III as my “bookshelf” speakers and have a pair of B&W 805 D3’s on their way for a listen.  Budget is up to about $8k.  
What have you heard that might be worth a deeper dive that fills this description?
There are 2 differences between a true bookshelf and a 2-way standmount.

1 - Efficiency
2 - Bass

A true bookshelf is more efficient and has less bass output as measured anechoically, but when pushed up against the wall has better balance.

So, assuming you can't find a true bookshelf, you could always use tone controls.

Also, in your price range, call Fritz and let him know what you have in mind, he could whip something up for you. :)
For Several thousand dollars I would choose the Dynaudio Special 40, it dosent matter where you put this speaker, they are a Tour De Force when given enough power and clean electronics. Also, the Dynaudio Confidence 20 would max your budget wow...WOW. But the Totem Acoustics Signature One speaker is an amazing proven speaker that has been around for decades, in its current version the Model One is still breath taking, powerful and forceful with beautiful tone, amazing dynamics and upper range extension, and very affordable. Finally I cant go without mentioning the KEF LS50/W either standard or Wireless version, the single driver it employs is a technical cornucopia! This single point source driver technology makes this speaker very precise, fast, articulate, and very musical. Of course all of these mentioned require HQ electronics and/or sources to really get the best of what they offer.

P.S. Put them where you want but having solid stands and and some space from the rear wall (2-4 feet) and sides (30 inches min) and nothing between them will reveal the results you desire.

Matt Miller
Agree they should not be on a bookshelf. However: if they have to be placed on a bookshelf, wouldn't a sealed enclosure be better? I know that Salk WOW1's are small and front ported -- that could be a good solution, too.
Vandersteen VLR as mentioned above.  They also make a CT version that has a carbon tweeter similar to their high end models.