Does anyone have a Bryston 4b-st driving horns?

I am thinking about upgrading my amp from an Adcom GFA 5500 to a Bryston 4B-ST. Does anyone have this combination? Am wondering if this is a much warmer tube like amp.
Buy a tube amp. They are simple to maintain. Changing tubes is like pulling a carrot out of the ground. To add a tube simply line up the notches and push down and sway very gently and the tubes slide into place.

Try this and you will not look back.

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As far as Bryston goes there not one of the warm tube like sounding S.S. amps . I have given up my tube gear the last few years , I listen to alot of music so tube changes were frequent and got expensive , and the heat issue was always a problem , but I think what put me over the edge was when a friends tube power amp caught fire and nearly burnt his house down .
Good tube amps are not necessarily dangerous and are easy to maintain. Arguments that ss amps are less trouble, or cooler (unless they are Class A), or that they avoid the option of changing tubes to improve sound quality, sort of miss the point: tubes sound more like real music to many people, and usually avoid much of the harshness inherent in all but the newest and best ss designs.

Unless you describe your system, particularly the speakers and your musical preferences, no one can give you cogent advice on amp choice. Older Bryston amps might be a slight improvement over what you have, but could be a mostly sideways move.
I think what put me over the edge was when a friends tube power amp caught fire and nearly burnt his house down

Just out of curiosity, what amp was that?