Are there any bookshelf speakers that sound good on a bookshelf?

Due to aesthetic considerations I am pretty much confined to using bookshelf speakers.   I have a REL t5 subwoofer that fills out the base nicely in a 12 x 16 room but want a true bookshelf speaker that can sit on a bookshelf that images well, has a sweet midrange and creates a large soundstage.   I’ve previously been using  Klipsch Heresy III as my “bookshelf” speakers and have a pair of B&W 805 D3’s on their way for a listen.  Budget is up to about $8k.  
What have you heard that might be worth a deeper dive that fills this description?
I overhauled my office last year, created a perfect triangle with bookcases opposite my desk, my chair/monitor dead center, primarily streaming Pandora music or YouTube video from PC.

bought a pair of bookcase speakers (no ports, shallow depth) to mix with my existing Velodyne Sub. I am extremely happy, added a TT and R2R in the system.

After research I decided to limit my search to models with 6-1/2" drivers, a bit more directional bass, then let the sub blend in.

I ordered two pairs, 1 for my shop, another 'better' for my office. I ended up using them opposite to that.

eBay, vintage B&W DM100i, horizontal on shelves ear level. (they say 6" piston size)


A crossover in the sub removes the low bass frequencies makes it easier for both the amp and the bookcase speakers to do a great job. The speakers will not be in a self-made cloud of bass blob.

Kinda rare but Guru QM 10-2 plays well on a bookshelf or up against a wall or corner. Very musical big sound.