Tung Sol KT 170

Anyone had advance listen of this new tube? I've yet to try the KT150.  8 KT150's@$100+ each remind me why.

Funky shape. Based on the KT150 pricing, curious what the retail pricing will be?
Here's hoping a few things will apply..1) They do not need a revised transformer design, as the KT150's required 2) they are reliable and consistent and 3) they don't give off too much heat!
A little more info.

"The Tung-Sol KT170 has a power dissipation of 85 watts allowing amplifiers using a pair of these tubes to reach power output levels in excess of 300 watts."  That's a lot of juice and heat! 

I would imagine an amplifiers transformer requirements no less than what is needed to handle the KT150?  

Wow!  This is new to me.  FWIW I traded my cj ARTsa, which used (8) KT 120 for a new cj ART150 which uses (4) KT 150 and the new one offers a worthwhile improvement in every respect.  It is more stable, too.  In fact in over a year of daily use I have only had to re-adjust the bias on one tube and it by only a small amount.  It does put out a lot of heat and for that reason I put cooling fans on it.  In any event, based on this experience I would guess that the KT 170 has the potential to offer additional performance benefits for amps designed to use them.