In-wall ethernet cable for streamer

I am running Cat5e (non-shielded) cable inside the wall which I installed myself when my home was being built before they drywalled. It was a bulk box of Cat5e that I ran to multiple rooms. I am running this from the router on the first floor to the room in the basement where my system is for my streamer.
I was thinking I could easily pull new cable through with maybe one drywall repair area in a closet.
1) is it worth the hassle to go to something higher and shielded like a Cat 6 or 7?
2) I do not see anyone selling Cat6 or 7 shielded by the foot? I only need 50' and all I see are bulk rolls of 1000'
Only you could answer that question by listening.  I personally do not perceive enough difference between Cat 5 and theoretically better Ethernet wires, but ymmv.
Is it possible to place your System  temporarily in the In the same room as the router and then try different Ethernet Cables to see if you can perceive a difference?  It might be some work to move everything but not as much as the changes that you are contemplating, which may prove to be very disappointing upon completion 
@mahler123 I could by a 50' patch cable and just run it across the floor ad down the steps as a test.
Why do you have to have it by the foot?  Get the closest length of finished cables.  Why not Cat 7 - many people reported improvement, some reported no difference, but so far I don't see anybody reporting decline.  100' of Cat 7 is only $20

@kijanki The only reason I was going by the foot is I will have to pull it through the wall using the old cable. Having an end on it may make it very difficult or impossible to pull it through. I could cut the end off and re-terminate it with a new end once its in place. Only reason I thought 8 was if I am going through the hassle why not use the best available in technology since things change quickly.
@jmphotography   I agree - why not go for the best - it is not that expensive.   The first computer I put together myself was 386 operating at 16MHz with 16MB of memory.  It was a speed demon then.  Things are changing fast!