In-wall ethernet cable for streamer

I am running Cat5e (non-shielded) cable inside the wall which I installed myself when my home was being built before they drywalled. It was a bulk box of Cat5e that I ran to multiple rooms. I am running this from the router on the first floor to the room in the basement where my system is for my streamer.
I was thinking I could easily pull new cable through with maybe one drywall repair area in a closet.
1) is it worth the hassle to go to something higher and shielded like a Cat 6 or 7?
2) I do not see anyone selling Cat6 or 7 shielded by the foot? I only need 50' and all I see are bulk rolls of 1000'
Why do you have to have it by the foot?  Get the closest length of finished cables.  Why not Cat 7 - many people reported improvement, some reported no difference, but so far I don't see anybody reporting decline.  100' of Cat 7 is only $20

@kijanki The only reason I was going by the foot is I will have to pull it through the wall using the old cable. Having an end on it may make it very difficult or impossible to pull it through. I could cut the end off and re-terminate it with a new end once its in place. Only reason I thought 8 was if I am going through the hassle why not use the best available in technology since things change quickly.
@jmphotography   I agree - why not go for the best - it is not that expensive.   The first computer I put together myself was 386 operating at 16MHz with 16MB of memory.  It was a speed demon then.  Things are changing fast!
Properly installed/ terminated Cat5E has more than enough bandwidth capability for streaming music.  Leave it alone and enjoy.
I would recommend a shielded cable- at the very least.
I have seen Supra cat8 well reviewed, but have no first hand information.
You can buy it on Ebay for a 'reasonable' price.