More power for moderate listening levels?


I can't seem to find good information regarding the effect of relatively high powered amps on low to moderate listening levels. I have a low powered class A amp that sounds wonderful at moderate volumes but not surprisingly shows signs of strain when cranked up. I am contemplating an upgrade that would bring much more power to solve this problem. However, since I don't play music really loud that often I'm wondering if the upgrade is really all that necessary. It would be worth it if the reserve power of the new amplifier improved sound quality at all levels.     

Thanks for your help,

That’s not a contradiction, because I never said to buy speakers to match your amp.
Tekton makes some great speakers, very high efficiency, great sound, and their favorite amp is Pass. It would seem a match made in heaven.  

That sounds like a recommendation to change speakers to your fav.
If you have never inserted a high power amp into your system, now is the time to try it out. Beg, borrow, or steal a big amp and give it a try. 
That sounds like a recommendation to change speakers to your fav.
As opposed to choosing what is bad, I guess. Like tuberculosis.
Again, it's a matter preference. I'm hoping the higher power amp (15W Class A before switching) shares some of the sonic character of the current amp. Chalk and cheese or cheddar and brie. I think I will try.