If you go about it bassackwards as Chucky says you’re in for trouble.
A laugh a minute.. If you know your equipment you buy accordingly..
MC knows his equipment.. Low watt amps 1st and second order XOs and well matched drivers with HIGH E factors, are a match made in heaven. Pass and Tekton are just that..
Power amps are rated by class. Class A, AB, and D are probably the most common. There are valve amps that are pure class A, AB the same as SS but class Ds I seen hybrids of tube front ends and class d power amps..
Class A Amps run wide open, as you increase the power they actually cool down, AB is both usually, A up to a bias point and then AB from that point on.. Then it will create more heat....than the actual set class a bias point.. I'm sure someone will chime in all tec like.. LOL Me I'm just al ol mechanic...BUT that is the just of it...
So you could feed the world on circumcision soup, too, YUM ME!!
Get along now, come back for a second bowl of soup., any volunteers?